AI code generation tools have ushered in an era of unprecedented efficiency in software development. A recent statement by the VP of AI at Microsoft stated, “40% of the code devs check-in is now AI-generated and unmodified.”

That means direct copy and pasted code is in every project. This surge has left compliance teams in a quandary, contending with a flood of work from high false positives and scrambling for automation to handle the repetitive but critical license verification tasks.

Threatrix emerges as the definitive ally for overwhelmed compliance departments and the bridge between them and development teams. Our platform offers a solution and a revolution—a tool independently verified with a 99% accuracy rate in snippet matching, reducing the compliance workload and significantly lowering false positives.

With the high false-positive rates typical of other tools, legal teams chase down inaccuracies, which consumes valuable time that could be better spent on strategic initiatives.

Focused Review, Not Firefighting: With fewer false positives, legal teams spend less time investigating and more time on issues requiring their expertise. They shift from a reactive stance to a proactive one, anticipating potential compliance issues rather than being overwhelmed.

Streamlined Verification: Legal can quickly verify a codebase’s compliance status. Threatrix’s precise matching means they can trust the tool’s reports, minimizing the need for cross-referencing and double-checking that usually accompanies software compliance tasks.

Automated Attribution: For licenses that require attribution to the original author, such as Apache, Threatrix automates this process. This guarantees compliance and eliminates one of the most tedious aspects of legal teams’ work, ensuring that due credit is systematically given where it’s due without manual intervention.

Consolidated Reporting: Threatrix consolidates information into a cohesive, accurate report. Instead of sifting through fragmented data, legal teams receive a comprehensive overview, making it easier to spot discrepancies or areas of concern.

Enhanced Policy Enforcement: The platform’s policy enforcement features enable legal teams to set clear compliance policies automatically upheld within the development environment. This means fewer violations and less need for legal intervention, as developers receive immediate feedback on policy breaches with our IDE plug-ins.

Reduced Risk of Non-Compliance: The high cost of non-compliance—both financial and reputational—is mitigated. With such a reliable solution, legal teams can assure stakeholders that compliance is maintained, thereby protecting the company’s reputation and bottom line.

Confidence in Innovation: Finally, legal teams can endorse using innovative AI-generated code, knowing that Threatrix can accurately discern and assess compliance. This enables companies to leverage cutting-edge technology without fear of legal repercussions.

Bridging Gaps, Uniting Teams

The dissonance between development and legal teams over compliance issues is a standard narrative in many organizations. Threatrix recognizes and resolves these challenges by simplifying and automating compliance tasks for both teams, promoting a cohesive operational flow. Our platform comprehensively detects open-source usage within your organization, including elusive copy-pasted code, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

Proof of Provenance, Peace of Mind

We understand the intricacies of open-source licensing—where a single snippet may carry multiple licenses and attributions, each with its own set of obligations. When a license is updated, the new terms may impose additional obligations or restrictions on the use of the software.

Companies must continuously monitor these changes to remain compliant. Our TrueMatch technology provides proof of the original authors, helping organizations adapt quickly. It also ensures they are always in line with the current licensing terms, significantly reducing manual effort.

Versatility Across Formats and Instances

In today’s complex software development environment, code takes many shapes and appears across various platforms—from containerized applications to SBOMs. Threatrix’s ability to evaluate files across all these formats means you’re always ahead of the compliance curve, understanding the attached license risks with clarity and precision.

A Single, Comprehensive SBOM

Juggling multiple SBOMs is challenging, especially when you need to account for proprietary code and third-party artifacts. Threatrix streamlines this process, delivering a single, cohesive SBOM for all product artifacts, complete with automated license attribution for every release.

End-to-End Integration and Automation

With Threatrix, you’re not just adopting a tool; you’re integrating a solution that molds to your existing environment:

  • IDE Plugin with policy enforcement for immediate guidance for developers
  • CI/CD and SCM Integration for seamless operation within your development pipeline
  • Action-driven policy management for proactive compliance
  • Cloud & Hybrid/On-Premise Jira Integration for comprehensive project tracking
  • CycloneDX and SPDX SBOM exports for standardized reporting

Threatrix speaks the language of your codebase, with support for over 420 programming languages. It goes beyond mere detection, providing vulnerability remediation with auto-fix suggestions and the best upgrade paths, ensuring your dependencies and libraries are compliant and secure.

Your Trusted Partner in Supply Chain Security and Compliance

In the swiftly shifting currents of software development, Threatrix stands as a beacon of security, compliance, and peace of mind. Our mission is to enable innovation without compromise, ensuring that as the tides of technology advance, your organization remains steadfast, secure, and compliant.

Embrace the future of software development with the confidence that Threatrix provides. Join the ranks of companies that have transcended the compliance challenge and are now thriving with every commit and release. Welcome to the next frontier of software supply chain security—welcome to Threatrix.